Wednesday, September 24, 2008

WTF is up with Tony's hair?!?

Ok, I believe it's safe to assume that pretty much everybody hates the MNF commentators, IE this blog article from Doc Holliday. Along with the annoying commentary belies a much bigger problem for me. That problem is Tony Kornholer's hair!!!!

Yeah, it's abso-fuckin-lutely fucktastic to say the LEAST. I tried to find an image of it, but had no luck at all. Maybe it's because every camera that tried to capture it magically locked up or had a malfunction. Anyways, this dude needs to make some changes ASAP. Does anyone know how to get my TV to blur just his head out? That's the only way I think I can stomach another MNF. Basically this dude has the 3-4 strand combover kickin with the Billy Ray Cyrus poof bustin up out da back. I ain'ts queer or nothin, but this guys needs to man up and either shave his whole gourd or go classic baldy and just have the short hair on the sides and back. I'm lucky enough to still have my hair, but if I do lose it and anywhere remotely come close to the TK flip poof someone please shoot me on sight! Thanks!

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