Thursday, September 18, 2008

Greatest Gator Football Game Memory - Tennessee 2006 - pt 1

I thought it would only be fitting with the Florida vs. Tennessee game approaching this weekend that I would share what is probably the greatest College Football experience I have ever had. Well, I'll tell you what, I'll call this solid Top 3 action. I've got another one in store for Florida/Georgia as well, but I'll save that for late October.

If you are looking for a great story with details about the game itself, go ahead and click on something else. This is about the camaraderie and the experience of traveling to Tennessee from North East Florida (approx 550 miles in case you needed to know). It's an epic fucking story, one that will be passed down to dAndy generations to come. How cool is that shit? 100 years from now some guy I'll be related to will sit his son down and the story will start with your great, great, great grandpappy dAndy journeyed into the heart of Knoxville to see the Gators spank some Rocky Top ass back in 2000.......This will be a long one so I'll break it up into parts. I am sure there is a small % of the thousands of people that read this this here site that may find it tiring if it's more than 4 or 5 paragraphs. Hell, most of you are probably done with this shit already, so I'll march in to the story!

There were 9 of us that decided to take this excellent adventure, I knew most of them for the most part. One guy I had known since kindergarten. Our closeness would only grow on this trip. Crazy Marko was the decided leader, but it wasn't because of his astute decision making or mental capability. In fact, Crazy Marko only went because he was over 25 and could legally rent an RV. That's right we piled up in a RV with a Keg in the shower and departed around 4pm Friday before the game.

We arrive in Tennessee a little after midnight. The ride up was interesting with each of us taking turns at the wheel. Especially considering we never actually stopped the RV until we got to Tennessee. I chose to drive early and get my shift out of the way so I could get my drink on. Upon arrival we selected what appeared to be a great location to park. There were some tennis courts on the side of the road we parked on and you could see the stadium straight down the road ahead of us for a ways. That along with some older looking houses on the other side of the street was our home away from home. Little did we know at that time we had parked on fraternity road, but that didn't stop us from drinking until 430 in the morning....

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