Thursday, September 25, 2008

Gina Carano

I loosely follow MMA, mostly WEC on versus and the occasional UFC bout. I'm definitely looking forward to the Kimbo vs Shamrock action on October the 4th. I just need someone to tell me why the fuck I haven't heard or seen of this chick yet??? She is smoking hot NO DOUBT and she was an American Gladiator!!!


Anonymous said...

Few people know what to do gina carano in the past. Quite by accident I found a curious video. In her biography about this is nothing!
Such an abomination, I was not expected. I thought it was decent girl and never would be removed in this kind of video. I still do not believe that saw!
I think this should know everyone!

dAndy ManCandy said...

wow, anon, I really appreciate you checking out the site. You must not be from round here eh? I'll bet you're Candadian aren't ya? Either way thanks for your random sentence generator style of communication. It really adds some spice to the site. - DMC

Upstate Underdog said...

I'm a huge Gina Carano fan. Wehn my wife and I would watch AG I would tease my wife and tell her to be quiet when Gina aka Crush was on the tv.

I hope my comment made more sense than anon's.

ognihs said...

carano's a promoter's wet dream - easily one of the most marketable pro athletes.

and by "promoter's" i meant "guy typing this comment"