Now first off let me say that this was vintage Cindy....

.....and not current Cindy.....

...although current Cindy isn't bad either. Just wondering where the fuck that mole went though!
Anyways the details are a little blurry, but all I know is it was me and Cindy on something in which we were laying down and she was all over me. She was wearing some form of business attire. It was along the lines of a skirt and button down blouse. We were making out something fierce. I can still remember exactly what it was like ripping her top off. Once I accomplished that I was doing an impersonation of a Ethiopian baby breast feeding after nearly starving to death due to not eating or drinking for 7 days. It was so vivid and realistic and she was so god damn sexy! She kept saying she wanted me and wanted me now. So what does stud muffin dAndy Mother Fucking ManCandy do? I remember telling her I couldn't right now because I had to be somewhere, but we could definitely resume this later. WTF? I turned down a horny vintage Cindy Crawford that wanted nothing more than some of dAndy's ManCandy because I had to be somewhere. Where was that somewhere? The fucking job I am getting fired from in a week. The next sound I hear is ahhh ahhh ahhh wake your sorry ass up ahhh ahhh ahhh coming from my alarm. FUCKITY FUCK FUCK FUCK!
{Images via The Just Plain Breakfast and InGameNow}
Why don't you ever dream about your girlfriend that way? You're sick!!!
Probably because I don't hardly ever dream period. Not to menton "dreams" are usually not anything like reality so why would my pea brain dream of something that I already have (and enjoy greatly BTW). ;-)
By the way, the "mole" probably became mailignant and she had to go to the determatologist and get it removed!! OR she finally ran out of black permanent marker and could no longer draw it on her face...
OR maybe she faked the mole. You can learn how on LOL. Seriously. Go look...
You have got to be kidding me... how to fake a mole like Cindy Crawfords is on UNBELIEVABLE!!
I came on that mole many, many times. Cindy was an inspiration.
Just drop in some E before bed. It'll help you remember those dreams.
haha...vintage vs. current. Pretty funny!
Thanks Elle!
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