Magic Johnson looked like he could suit up and handle bitness. Larry Bird looked dead. So basically AIDS medicine is a fountain of youth. Hey all you ladies that spend endless amounts of money on face lifts and shit, just get aids and you're sot. As for the average Joe that has one hell of a jump shot, and probably leads a rather normal life besides the money and excessive amounts of scotch drank over the years, you can pretty much look OLD AS FUCK compared to someone near your age with AIDS. Of course, it doesn't help that Larry is quite likely the ugliest dude to ever walk the face of the earth.
Here's some thought by play.....
Sometime in the 2nd half - I just wish Mich St. would get some MOmentum. I just kept hoping for them to get within 15 points early in the half.
A little bit after that (because this is when I actually thought about writing this shit) - His Mom and Dad should have named the dude Dee Lucious. How fucking cool with that have been? I'm not even sure what the dude's first name is, but there are alot of great first name options for #34 of Michigan St. This got me thinking what if I had a "Better 1st Name Contest?" This week will be test run. Through your first names out for Lucious of Michigan State and let's see what happens. All persons not related to, or actually knowing me in any way shape or form are eligible to win an unmatched used sock. I have several and will pick the best of the bunch. Winner pays a shipping and handling fee of $4.99. And if you comment now, I will also throw in another sock of the same caliber, but a different brand along with my guide on avoiding and getting rid of unmatched socks.
Prob about 15 min left in 2nd half - Damn that Heathcote guy has a really weird shaped head.

Not sure why the other part of his gourd isn't showing up, but that's my first go with MS Paint on here so deal with it. Just imagine a little symmetry.
12:05 Remaining - Mich St within 16 pts. This is getting funner to watch.
11:47 Remaining - It looked like Mich St had something going there. The Spartan mascot reminds me of NCAA 09 Football for Wii. Don't some turnovers sound good about now.
Somewhere between 11:47 and 8:15 left – Is Letterman even funny anymore? Was he ever even funny at all?
8:15 to go – Damn these 3’s need to fall!!!!
6:49 lefted – DAMN CAN A THREE PLEASE FALL!!!!
6:11 to the end – If they could have only made half of the 3 pt. attempts in the half they would only be down like 6.
5:20 in the half – Enter white shooter guy!
4:57 – Roy = PRICK! Michigan State down by 14 and Oucha Lucios is hurt.
Sometime shortly thereafter – Mich St fan, “Hey guys let’s yell BOOOO right as Ty Lawson is shooting his free throws!” Gimme a fucking break. Like that shit is going to work on this guy. His dad was probably yelling shit like that when Ty was 5 years old practicing free throws.
I noticed quite of bit of commercial activity in this game.
1. Is the red bearded dude in the IBM commercials the same guy that’s in the use your dipstick Jimmy oil commercials?
2. OK, in the Honda commercial where all the cars are popping up there is a scene in which two people are playing checkers. One of the hands is brown and the other is white. One of them nails some crazy triple jump to reveal a Honda. Who pulled it off? Do you think there was any planning in the directing department on "who" would make the other look like a complete dumbass while they pulled off this checker's move of insurmountable proportions?
3. I should have bought a GM a few weeks back. They will pay up to $500 a month towards your car payment if you lose your job.
4. Burger King + Sponge Bob + Sir Mix-A-Lot = FAIL
5. I saw the entire Guitar Hero Metallica commercial for the first time since everyone went bat shit over it last week or whenever that was. Not bad.
6. Fuck Miller Lite. I mean, I'm not saying I wouldn't drink it if you handed me one, but FUCK MILLER LITE!!!
7. I am supposed to believe that Exxon is spending money to find out how to make vehicles 80% more efficient than they are right now based on stats compared to the 70s. YEAH, OK SURE!!!
8. OK, insurance company, now that you have showed us a car wash with no rinse, a hot dog with no bun, and a popsicle with no stick I fucking get it! I AM SWITCHING AS WE FRICKIN SPEAK!!!
9. The new Terminator movie looks kick ass.
And that wraps it up. Thank-you CBS for including some form of Obama coverage in there at the end. He filled out a bracket? Really? He picked UNC? No one in the entire universe could NOT have been exposed to that shit 60,563 times these past few weeks!!! I also wondered if that was Magic Johnson singing the, "One Shining Moment," song at the end.